Anime With a Character Named Origami
Barbie's Last Name and 16 More Characters You Didn't Know Had Full Names
We reveal the true identities of Mr. Clean, the Wizard of Oz, and more.
We all know the blonde doll by Barbie, but Mattel reveals not only is that a nickname, but she also has an official full name: Barbara Millicent Roberts.
The Wizard of Oz
You won't find this in the movie, but the Wizard has a big reveal in L. Frank Baum's 1908 book Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz: "My father, who was a politician, named me Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. … When I grew up I just called myself O. Z., because the other initials were P-I-N-H-E-A-D; and that spelled 'pinhead,' which was a reflection on my intelligence." Find out which 15 famous quotes everyone gets wrong from The Wizard of Oz and other movies.
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Pillsbury Doughboy
That lovable, poke-able mascot has a full name that sounds more like a trying-way-too-hard nickname: Poppin' Fresh. He and his wife, Poppy Fresh, have two kids named Popper and Bun-Bun.
Gene J Puskar/AP/Shutterstock
Cap'n Crunch
The military status of the Cap'n was called into question when it was revealed that he only has three stripes on his uniform (a Navy captain has four), but at least he can stay confident in his last name. Horatio Magellan Crunch was born on Crunch Island in the Sea of Milk and seems to be a successful leader, no matter what his uniform says.
The Michelin Man
That smiley, puffy white mascot is named Bibendum (Bib for short) after his old catchphrase, Nunc est Bibendum, which is Latin for "Now for drinking." He'd then proceed to prove his toughness by downing a goblet of broken glass and nails. Yum.
Peppermint Patty
You wouldn't expect a tough girl like her to go by a name like Patricia Reichardt, would you? To this troublemaker, Peppermint Patty is a breath of fresh air.
Snap Stills/Shutterstock
Through two different shows in the Scooby-Doo franchise, fans can piece together that Shaggy has an awfully stuffy real name: Norville Rogers. Zoinks! Find out if you can get these 13 tricky cartoon trivia questions right.
Mike Groll/AP/Shutterstock
The Operation patient
Most people just refer to the man on the Operation board as "the patient" (or even just "the guy" if you're really dehumanizing), but the instruction booklet calls him Cavity Sam.
Paul Sakuma/AP/Shutterstock
Cocoa Puffs bird
You knew he was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but did you know his real name is Sonny the Cuckoo Bird?
Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock
Cinnamon Toast Crunch baker
Poor Chef Wendell seems to have gone the way of his baker sidekicks, Bob and Quello, now that the Crazy Squares have replaced him on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch box.
The Monopoly man
He's known as Mr. Monopoly now, possibly because his original name, Rich Uncle Pennybags, came off just a little too strong.
The Skipper on Gilligan's Island
He might have been called The Skipper during the whole series, but the first aired episode revealed his real name was Jonas Grumby.
PL Gould/Shutterstock
Mr. Clean
A 1962 promotion asked for suggestions to give Mr. Clean a first name. The winner made him Veritably Clean.
Originally Published: September 27, 2018
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Anime With a Character Named Origami
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