How to Make Scrapbook on Facebook
How to Make a Scrapbook on Facebook
If you've wondered how to make a scrapbook on Facebook, then we've got plently of helpful scrapbook tips for you!
In May 2015 Facebook created a new method of organising photographs of family members , specifically aimed at Facebook profile owners' children under the age of 13, (though pets are also included) and called it a Facebook Scrapbook.
Read on to find out more about how to make a scrapbook on Facebook.
Wait! Once You Have Your Scrapbook Supplies, Then You'll Need To Know How To Get Organized....Let Me Show You...
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What is a Facebook Scrapbook?
Essentially this is a new way of creating a Facebook Album; instead of photos being in a designated Album you have created, or the default albums created by Facebook automatically, they are collated in the Scrapbook based on a) that you have defined your relationship to your child or pet and b) that you (or your partner) have tagged them in the photo.
Another way of looking at it is that when you make a scrapbook on Facebook you are then able to tag your child or your pet, without them having to have a Facebook account in their own right.
Want a more stress-free scrapbooking experience? Click here and learn more scrapbook organization ideas!
Tagging when you Create a Scrapbook on Facebook
You can only create a scrapbook on Facebook for one of the following relationships: Daughter, Son, Child, Pet. In other words you cannot make a scrapbook on Facebook for your step-child, child-in-law, grand child, niece, nephew, or any other relationships.
Pros of Creating a Scrapbook on Facebook
• Easy to review all tagged media of your child
• Alert for changes to privacy settings of any media you have tagged of your children
• Combines media that otherwise may have been distributed between yourself, and family members
• Combines media that otherwise may have been distributed between Timeline Photos, Mobile Uploads and a myriad of other albums.
You no longer need to tag your partner in your child's photos to share them with your partner's friends.
Cons of Creating a Scrapbook on Facebook
• It is not a traditional scrapbooking format so no special tools or functions for embellishing, setting up layouts or journaling
• You cannot create scrapbooks for your grandchildren, nieces or nephews or other loved ones, only for children or pets
• The potential discussion you will need to have with your child when they turn 13 and would like their own Facebook account and would not like very adorable to you but embarrassing to them pictures tagged for others to view.
How To Make a Scrapbook on Facebook – A Simple Tutorial!
Then follow these 5 simple steps to make a scrapbook on Facebook
1. Log into your Facebook account and head to your profile. Select the About Section and go to Family and Relationships
Step 1 to Create a Scrapbook on Facebook
2. Click on Add a Family Member
Step 2 to Create a Scrapbook on Facebook
3. Enter your child (or pet)'s name, select their relationship to you from the dropdown box (Note: Only child relationships and pets have the option to create Scrapbooks) and ensure you have ticked the Add Scrapbook checkbox. Then click the Save Changes button.
Step 3 to Create a Scrapbook on Facebook
4. In the next screen you will have the option to allow your partner (if you have a Facebook relationship set up for them) to also be able to tag your child. Select "Yes" if you would like and then click the Create Scrapbook button.
Step 4 to Create a Scrapbook on Facebook
5. You will then be taken to a screen that looks like the one below. You can review existing photos to tag your child and select a special photo as the feature photo of the Facebook Scrapbook that you have just created, as well as defining a Cover photo.
Step 5 to Create a Scrapbook on Facebook
Why Do You As a Scrapbooker Want To Make a Scrapbook on Facebook?
• No need to search through all your albums for those photos you know you want to scrapbook digitally or with traditional paper crafting
• It can form the basis of your 'to scrap list' for your child
• You can photograph or scan in your traditional scrapbooking layouts and tag them , sharing your beautiful layouts on Facebook
• Great way to consolidate photos of your child from your partner's media devices ready for you to scrapbook.
How to Make Scrapbook on Facebook
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